July 20, 2024

Conquering Timidity Through Faith

Courage for the timid person

Luke 12:8-12
Derived from the Manuscript of Craig Trierweiler

What is Timidity?

Timidity is the fear of people who reject. Imagine a scenario where you feel a personal threat or mockery, which confronts your faith and tempts you to remain silent about your connection to Jesus.

How does Jesus address a timid faith? This is what Luke 12:8-9 says: “And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will

acknowledge before the angels of God, but the one who denies me before men will be

denied before the angels of God.”

Words matter. What we do here, affects what happens in heaven.

The context is this: in Jesus’ day, things were heating up in Israel. Opposition was increasing, anger was boiling, leaders were scheming, powers were threatening, and the Cross of Christ was now looming – it was becoming increasingly dangerous to indentify with Jesus. So, Jesus has a heart-to-heart with is disciples regarding how to respond when faith is opposed. The bottom line of the passage is this. Words matter. What we do here, affects what happens in heaven.

To “acknowledge Jesus” is to openly confess and affirm: “I’m with Him!” No matter the degree of threat or danger of loss, we are unashamed. To “deny Jesus” is to distance or disassociate in order to hide the connection. It’s the person who is afraid of what rejection may occur.

Are we willing to stand with Jesus openly, even if it costs us relationally?

The common situations of timidity.

Do I keep quiet or stand with Jesus; do I value my life more than I value my Lord?

Not many of us have had to stand before councils or tribunals where our connection to

Jesus comes under fire in a matter of life and death, but many do face low grade opposition, especially in families, where we have constant pressure to “shut up” or “stay quiet” by those who hate our faith. What it looks like?

  • Family who forces you.
  • Peers who pressure you.
  • School boards who sahme you.
  • Colleagues who cancel you.
  • Media who mocks you.

In these moments we are faced with a choice: do I keep quiet or stand with Jesus; do I value my life more than I value my Lord?

Overcoming Timiditiy

The key to conquering timidity is faith, it is this; My Father stands with me openley. 

If you ever have to stand in court on behalf of the Lord the Holy SPirit Himself will be your defender.

Notice verses 11 and 12: “And when they bring you before the synagogues and the rulers and the authorities, do not be anxious about how you should defend yourself or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that very hour what you ought to say.”

“The Holy Spirit will teach you.” If you ever have to stand in court on behalf of the Lord the Holy SPirit Himself will be your defender. You don’t go into these moments alone. The fact that He stands with us openly is profound when you consider the hypocrisies that we have, the insecurities that we have, and yet our Father is not ashamed to stand with us. 

So if we find ourselves in a situation where we are saying, “I’m with you Lord, but I don’t know what to say, you have to teach me how to answer!” That is a prayer God will answer every time. He will see the heart of a person who is seeking to acknowledge and openly confess Him, to honor him before men, and that is something that Jesus wil honor because He will honor His word, honor His promise, and honor the man or women who stands with Him openly. It is far beter to have the Lord on your side than a false relationship with someone who is openly hostile against you and the faith. So, stand for Jesus all-the-day, and let the chips fall where they may.