July 6, 2024

The Antidote for Hypocrisy

How do I stop being hypocritical

Luke 12
Deerived from the Manuscript of Craig Trierwiler

What is Hypocrisy?

Hypocrisy is that ever-widening gap between what we profess and how we live; between how we are perceived by others and what is actually true. It’s faking it, masquerading, pretending to be what you are not in order to create an illusion.

What is the solution to hypocrisy?

The solution to hypocrisy can be sumed up like this, “My Heavenly Father sees me clearly.”

Luke 12:2-3 puts it this way: “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops.” And that seems terrifying…

…at first. But it’s actually liberating.

Liberating because, “God sees me clearly, yet still loves me completely!” What a relief it is to know that we don’t have anything to hide from the Lord: He knows all of it. THe things we’ve done; the desires we have; the sins we’ve committed; all of it is under the watchful eye of the One who knows us fully and still loves us completely.

“God sees me clearly, yet still loves me completely!”

You can expose yourself to Him. He is gentle and He knows and He loves you. If you are trying to follow Jesus but frankly are frustrated, addicted or downright defeated, the solution will not come from trying harder, but from drawing closer to God.

The only one way to cleanse the conscience is to cry out to God for a new heart! Abide in Christ and step out of hypocrisy today – He sees you clearly yet loves you completely.