The blessed life is well paved. It goes all the way back to Christ as the Cornerstone Foundation of the apostles and prophets. It is fully validated from above, with a seal of God's divine approval. And listen, the blessed life is totally and completely misunderstood by this world. Those things that we think are blessings in life may in fact be the greatest hindrances to your spiritual life that exist. Do you recognize your deep need of a savior? Your desperate need for someone to restore the deepest hurts and brokenness of the human heart?
“Not everything now is as it seems and what shall be later has yet to be revealed when it comes to the blessed life.”
It's very fascinating how Luke 6 will invite people to the blessed life. Jesus will invite you into the blessed life. He will invite you to experience the most blessed life! But listen, it may not be your best life now, but it will be the most blessed life. Not everything now is as it seems and what shall be later has yet to be revealed when it comes to the blessed life.
It is an invitation to the week. It's an invitation to the weary, and it's an invitation to follow him on the road of discipleship. Follow me. He would say, Follow me. But he wants the folks to know where they're going. He wants them to know who's invited, where they're going, and what it's going to lead to.
Blessed are you who are poor, hungry, sad, and those of you who are hated, excluded, reviled and spurned on account of the son of man.Think of that list. I want to follow, but you're describing a life that I don't want! You're saying that the person who is poor, hungry, sad and rejected on account of the Son, that that person is blessed? Why? Because though you experienced that now later is coming something else. Blessed are you who are poor. Why? Because later you get the kingdom. Blessed are you who are hungry for later you'll be satisfied. Blessed are you who are sad or weep or mourn because later you'll laugh.
He's not elevating poverty as like an ideal that we should all aspire to. But what he's getting at is a common framework for what happens among those who are economically poor, physically hungry, emotionally sad and spiritually rejected on account of the Son of God. What he's getting at is this: those people that are poor, hungry, sad and rejected often get to that point in life where they recognize their desperate need of a savior!. They have the whole list. The world says, I don't want that. Jesus says, that's where you need to be in your life; where you recognize your desperate need of the Lord.
If you are wealthy today, do not assume that your abundance is a sign of God's love. To the poor I would say this: do not think that your poverty is a sign of God's disappointment with you. The right measurement of the blessed life is eternity with God, not how long you live; humility of heart, not your enormity of house; the quality of spirit – of what Jesus is doing in your heart, not quality of stuff; purity of body, not vanity of looks.
The world will look at this blessed life and not want it. But we who are followers of Jesus, we cling to it.