February 10, 2024

Who is Jesus to you?

What did Jesus say about who he is and does it match how you see him?

Luke 4:14-30
Derived from the transcript of Dave Standfest

Jesus said that he is the Messiah, that he’s the King of kings and Lord of lords. Yet, how many times do we live out,  “I don't see you that way; I’ve got to do my own thing in this area of my life; I'm going to do what I want to in that compartment of my life?”

Jesus says, “I'm the Messiah on all parts of your life.” Does he have that kind of increasing authority in your life – where more and more he's taking over, where more and more It's about you doing the things he wants you to do instead of the things you want to do. Who do you live him out to be in your life?

Listen close: for too many people he's simply a figurehead king much like the king of England You notice every time they have a new king or new queen, for two days, there's all kinds of pomp and ceremony. It's a huge deal. There's parades, there's everything going on under the sun to celebratel this new king. However, when that second day is over and the coronation is done, how much power does this king actually have in England? None. None.

Are there any ways in your life they are making him less than

So we come to alter and make him “King of kings and Lord of lords.” That's great, I'm glad you did that – but now the real question becomes, is it a King of kings and Lord of lords in all areas of life, or is he just a figurehead to you? A King, greatly beloved, but with no real authority. So here's a great question. Are there any ways in your life they are making him less than

Let me tell you where this phrase comes from. I was wrestling with this part of the scripture and I’m thinking, “Lord, not just what do I see here, but what is your main point when you said, “I’m Messiah,” they said, “we don't see you that way.”

So, what's the main point? I very, very seldom wake up at night and when I do wake up late I'm groggy, Maybe like a lot of you. Yet this one night, where I’m wrestle with this I woke up so stark, all awake, and the words that came imeadiatly to my mind were, “don't make Jesus less than.”

He’s Messiah.

Don't make him less than Messiah. He's King of kings and Lord of lords! Don't make him less than. They were making him less than. They said, “we don't want to see you that way.” It was a pivotal point in their life because Matthew 13:58 says this; “And he did not do many mighty works there, because of their unbelief.”

See, a lot of times we want to see God do great works in our lives saying, “we’ve made him King of kings, the Lord of lords,” yet we make him less than that in our living. We don't see him exactly the way he deserves to be seen – we’ve made him less than. Don't make God less that in your life.