You are deeply beloved by God. Your identity must be in God’s loving description of you.
When I had my motorcycle accident, I was in a hospital bed in my living room for months. I developed separation anxiety from my wife. I wanted only her to feed me and help me go to the bathroom.
The only other thing that she did besides care for me was go to a ladies’ Bible study. The study was by Beth Moore. My senior pastor visited me and asked if there was anything that I needed, I said, “Yes, please buy me the Beth Moore ladies Bible study to study in my hospital bed.” Kim was talking and talking about it and I want-ed to study it as well.
God don’t waste my pain.
On one of the lessons she said a simple prayer, “God don’t waste my pain.” I had lots of pain, so that became my heart’s prayer every day during my recovery. I still pray, “God don’t waste my pain.” We must pray, “Don’t waste my sorrow, sickness, cancer and grief. Use my pain for your glory.”